Exceptional care after brain surgery
In May 2023 I went into hospital for a routine op. I developed bacterial meningitis and survived but was left with permanent hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain) and underwent emergency surgery to place a shunt in my brain.
Unfortunately the shunt went wrong and, in a nutshell, I’ve clocked up 6 brain surgeries since. During the fifth surgery, extreme measures had to be taken to revive me on the operating table and when my heart kicked back in the surgeons very quickly inserted a shunt into my brain.
I woke up in ICU 4 days later and realised that my hair was a bloody mess of heavy matting that was so heavy it was causing my skull to bleed. The surgeons explained that due to the “complications” they had shaved some of my head and tied the rest of my hair with a bit of bandage. Whilst I was unconscious for the next few days the hair had become more entangled as I moved around on the pillow.
Obviously, my hair wasn’t priority number 1 at the time and I had already lost half it to the previous surgeries, but when I finally got home and tried unsuccessfully for hours to untangle it, I broke down. My very long black hair was ruined along with my self esteem.
The next day I went to Francesco hair salon in Nantwich. Matt and his team were phenomenal. It took four people EIGHT solid hours to painstakingly tease each individual strand out of the mess. I left the salon with enough hair to cover my scalp and give the illusion that I had a full head of hair.
I cannot thank the team at Francesco’s enough for what they did and at the time I mentioned that I intended to publicly thank them on my cat rescue page. Predictably, life got in the way and I forgot (I’m putting it down to the surgeries!) but here it is. So if anyone wants to go to a hairdresser who shows genuine empathy along with exceptional hair dressing skills, you know where to go.
And to Matt and the team: thank you from the bottom of my heart.