Good Haircut, Disappointing Chat
I was very pleased with my haircut. However my hairdresser spent the appointment talking about how they ‘wished other clients were as easy and going as me’ and even considered videoing their appointment with me as an ‘example’ of how not to ‘be difficult’. When I challenged them, they confirmed that this statement was ‘just a joke’ and that they had a ‘daft sense of humour’. Nonetheless, I found it startling and unprofessional. They also mentioned to me that they ‘weren’t like the other hairdressers’ at the salon. That they ‘wouldn’t start selling product to people with no need’. This was an uninvited comment. I think meant to reassure me that they were trustworthy? However I felt it was simply inappropriate. Not only to disrespect their colleagues and the business in that way, but also to be casually doing so to their client. I don’t think there is anything wrong about hair care specialists recommending high quality products to their clients. I remained amenable throughout the appointment but I was disappointed and waiting for my appointment to be over ASAP. My experience with that stylist did not match the professionalism that I experience in booking and on entering the salon. I also noted that every other client had tea or coffee offered to them, and I did not.
They mentioned to me that they had a 1:1 meeting coming up (again, not professional to share with a client at all, it made me feel uncomfortable). And whilst I do not want them to lose their job, I do think that someone else could be incredibly hurt or put off by their comments. I did not cause a scene, but leaving an honest review is important to me.
I have kept names out of this for both my privacy and also for the hairdresser’s. I do not doubt that the salon will be able to identify which of their staff I am referring to.