Clubhouse the newest Social media phenomenon

Guest blog by Jennifer Louise 

CEO and Founder of The Successful Salon Club

Instagram @Jennifer1ouise

The fastest growing social media app.



"Clubhouse is wildly, wildly underrated because most people don't know about the app yet."

Firstly what is Clubhouse and how do you use it?

Clubhouse is essentially half radio, and half conference calls an audio-based app where users can listen to conversations happing live and participate if they want to. It is like tuning in to a live podcast where you have the opportunity to join in and have a voice. 

Clubhouse, much like a real-life country club or yacht club, is invite-only and is only on Iphones at the moment they are working with app developers to get up and running on android very soon. However, the Iphone only tactic along with the added layer of needing an invite is the best marketing trick I have ever seen and has created FOMO (Fear of missing out) and conversations about the app beyond belief. 

I currently have 2 invites waiting to give out so if after reading this you want to get involved follow me on Instagram Jennifer1ouise and DM me CLUBHOUSE INVITE and I will be choosing two of you to come and get involved. 

But what does this mean for our industry, and how can salons use it?

Building my salon from the ground up was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. If only I had had the opportunity to ask people in my industry how to do all the things I was looking to achieve. 

Well, now you can do just that. Direct access to some of the biggest industry influencers is waiting for you inside Clubhouse, and they want to help you succeed. 

 You simply find these people in Clubhouse and go to a room they are speaking in and ask them a question that they can answer for you live. 

You also have the opportunity to just sit in the rooms of all the business greats like Grant Cardone, Elon Musk and Rob Moore to listen and learn from them giving advice that would cost thousands if you wanted to talk to them and its all for free. Well for now, anyway.

As this app grows, we will eventually see the big guys open paid for rooms only, and you won't have the opportunity to get inside these rooms unless you pay.

But this app comes with a health warning... It will suck your time away from you if you don't have a clear strategy for using it as its highly addictive.

So here's my business and mindset growth strategy that you may want to model, I'll get into how to grow your salon new client base on there in just a minute. 

To grow my mindset and get business growth strategies for the salon regarding internal systems and procedures. 

1) Make a list of all the skill's you want to upgrade

2) Make a list of all the people in our industry that is crushing that skill

3) Make a list of all the more prominent business owners outside of our industry that is crushing this skill

4) Find them all, follow them, click the bell icon next to the follow button and click to always. This will tell the app to send you a notification every time they go live, so you never miss a room 

5) Whenever they are speaking in a room show up, raise your hand and ask your question 

6) Make sure you have a pen and paper with you ready to take notes

7) Take massive action to implement this into your business 

8) Go back and ask more questions if you need extra support in that area 

9) Be sure to drop them a DM on Instagram to say thank you for the advice. 

In March, I feel that date will be moved into April Clubhouse will be opening the flood gates and letting everyone onto the app. When this happens, you will have the opportunity to find lots of people local to you and host rooms for them. 

Therefore, I suggest you start connecting with local businesses on the app and championing each other and then opening rooms with your local town in the title. If you are the one who starts this movement, you are positioning yourself as the regional business influence. This allows you to get them behind you, meaning they will promote your business inside their business. 

Networking and building a community is what marketing a business in 2021 is all about. I challenge you to think outside the box about how else you can grow your business on this app and DM me over on Instagram what you come up with... You never know I may feature your idea on the next blog where I will be unpacking the exact strategy you can use to give your Instagram engagement a quick kick, allowing you to start to grow your account again. 

Until next time 


Much Love


Jennifer Louise 

CEO and Founder of The Successful Salon Club